Are you frustrated that you find it difficult to do anything in your day to day life without relying on your glasses? Maybe you are fed up with always having to put in your contact lenses or the irritations are just becoming too much? If so, maybe you should consider having a laser eye operation to remove these problems for life.
Laser eye procedures are operations that uses refractive surgery to fix and recalibrate the eyes for sufferers of conditions such as astigmatism and to resolve nearsighted and farsighted patients. The simple overview of what actually happens in the surgery is that a thin flap is made in the cornea so the surgeon can operate underneath to remove some of the tissue using a specially design laser. The cornea is slightly but precisely reshaped to resolve your eye sight problems.
What Happens During The Laser Eye Procedure?
One of the benefits of the laser eye treatment is that the operation is only day surgery. The procedure can take as little as only five minutes. Some doctors may sedate you but this is only mild and you will be awake during the procedure.
Just because you can leave the clinic the same day, you will still need someone there with you to help you get home safely.
The preparation for the operation is also relatively quick. The surgeon will first put some drops in your eye to anesthetize them which means that the procedure is painless but some people may feel some discomfort.
Your eye is held open with a special device to prevent your eye lids closing and to allow for the surgeon to accurately slice the flap on your cornea. You will be positioned on your back down underneath the laser. Eyes are operated on one at a time.
The cut is then made using the laser or a microkeratome and amazingly you won't even notice it. A computer is then calibrated to match your eye sight problems and severity and while focusing on a specific object the laser will pulse light underneath the new flap. These pulses will reshape your corneal. Don't be put off by the weird odour that will occur from the removal of your eye's tissue.
The laser eye operation can be repeated on your next eye after a small break or some people prefer to come back the following week.
As you can see, laser eye procedures are not that complicated or involved and hopefully this article has given you the information you need to relieve some of the anxiety you might be feeling.