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Le streaming de films est particulièrement adaptée à la diffusion de films en streaming dont la taille totale ou la durée de lecture ne rendraient pas pratique le téléchargement préalable du fichier entier avant sa lecture. Elle permet de s'affranchir d'une certaine part du délai entre le début du téléchargement et le début effectif de la lecture, permettant un accès plus rapide au contenu diffusé et permettant la diffusion en direct ou en léger différé. De ce fait, elles sont utilisées pour la diffusion de contenus vidéo et musicaux par internet, tout particulièrement par les webradios et les webTVs. Les sites diffusant en direct et disposant de capacités matérielles importantes utilisent le fonctionnement « en continu ». Des sites d'hébergement de vidéo regroupant des contenus de durée définie et diffusés à la demande de l'utilisateur fonctionnent selon le mode « progressif »

Everyone talks about massage but did you know there is a right and wrong way to massage your hair, and actually your body but we will concentrate on getting your hair to grow so hair massage is a major issue we must tackle as it is so very important. The right massage not only stimulates growth but can actually even increase the strength of your hair follicles. The wrong massage can actually break your hair, cause no effect from the massage (other than it feels good), and definitely not help you reach your goals. What is the purpose of a good scalp massage? The scalp becomes 'tightened' as we encounter stress, etc. therefore creating a loss of circulation which is necessary for good growth. The wrong massage vigorously rubs your scalp AND your hair either by hand or using a tool of sorts, ruffling the hair as the massage proceeds.

The right massage is done using just your fingertips by applying a goodly pressure, keeping the hair from moving but only moving the scalp against the underneath body tissue. The outer skin moves over the inner tissue ONLY. You may need to practice this a little bit in the beginning to understand the principle.

You will notice that when moving your finger tips in this manner, areas of your scalp don't seem to want to move. They may seem to not move at all but move to different areas of your head and also notice that different areas act different from each other. Don't become impatient and begin moving the hair as you would in a surface massage. This is a NO-NO. You break hair when you do this. When the scalp seems to not want to move, this is an indication your scalp is STARVING for circulation and needs your attention desperately. So, concentrate diligently on those areas the most and if you can, do this at least 2 times a day for about 1/2 hour. You will find the more you deep massage your scalp, the looser the scalp will become which means of course, the more movement you will be able to obtain using your finger tips. You are causing the blood to move more freely in your scalp and the roots are now getting the circulation it was starving for.

Another big culprit of breaking your hair is combing it. I would tend to just about bet no-one has shared this information with you before as the average person is not told that there is a right way and wrong way to take care of your hair. I always thought it didn't matter but it really does. As a little girl, with baby fine dry hair, my hair was snarled all of the time. Since I cried every time it was combed, it was cut and I really wanted long hair. It was below my waist when it was cut and kept short. I wish someone had known what I am about to tell you. NEVER use a comb on your hair in the first place unless it is an extreme situation which we will also discuss here. So what do we do?

Do not comb your hair wet. Do not blow dry your hair as it will dry out. Air dry your hair just as much as possible. Heat dries out your hair. Look at how the summer sun can wither things when left in it. When your hair is dry, using your fingers, gently pull your fingers through your hair as if your fingers are a comb but when your fingers get stuck (run into a snarl), gently take both hands and slowly in the middle of this snarl, pull it apart doing just a little bit at a time. In other words, never pull tightly but when it feels it is tightening, go at it from a different direction. This is not as time consuming as it sounds. It definitely eliminates stress on the follicles creating less breakage and when you are done combing your hair with your fingers, you will have no snarls. I cannot say why this works so good other than our body seems to produce oils through our fingers and they seem to naturally remove the snarls rather than forcing the removal of them.

Once the snarls are removed, brush your hair with a very fine 'horse hair' brush. Do not worry if it doesn't go all the way through to the scalp. It isn't supposed to. Just move your hair so you can cover all of it with your brushing. You stimulate your scalp with your fingertips and not your brush.

Once your snarls are removed, you have completed your massage, and you have brushed your hair, use a natural hair extension so that you do not need to ADD anything whatsoever to your hair to create any damage, i.e.; leave in conditioners, hair spray, any type of additives, no clips, just your natural hair extension and you will see your hair become healthy and robustly grow. HAPPY hair growth.

Massage Therapy is widely believed to be on of the oldest modalities ever used for healing and relaxation with roots going back to 2,000 BC when it was practiced by the Romans. They used massage to alleviate pain and tension in the body. From its most primitive roots, Massage has evolved over the centuries to the latest technological innovations, including the Massage Chair. These Massage Chairs offer a variety of specialized functions such as the following.

Upper and lower back pain: Massage Chairs can target problems in both the upper and lower back. Pain may develop from poor posture, injuries associated with heavy lifting or from falls. Massage chairs use a roller system to supply different back massage techniques to the entire back. These massage rollers can stretch and relieve pain in the lower back muscles and soft tissue between the cervical disks.

Shoulder & neck massage: Many people feel the effects of stress through tension and stiffness in the shoulders and neck. Muscles may be tight and strained. A kneading massage can be used to help release shoulders and neck muscles. This provides a side to side motion which is very soothing and relaxing.

Compression massage: Air compression is used to provide a gentle pressing action throughout the muscles in the body targeting arms, hands, legs and feet. The air compressor is run from a compressor that activates the airbags specially designed for this purpose.

Heat Therapy: heat therapy is very popular in sports medicine to help reduce swelling and improve blood circulation. Many massage chairs are integrate heating elements to deliver heat to different parts of the human body.

Shiatsu: The Shiatsu is a technique that originated in Japan. It uses acupressure points in the body to relieve stress and heal. This technique also includes other massage motions to help provide the muscles and tissue with revitalized feeling.

These are some of the main elements that you need to consider when searching for a Massage Chair. These chairs are integrate more therapeutic treatments to strengthen the whole of massage therapy. Make a listing of the most important characteristics and to ensure that chair massage that you consider your meat minimum requirements.

A dazzling statistic is that nearly 90% of people who have tinnitus are consistently trying to find a cure for it. The superb thing here isn't that they are looking ; it has to be nasty to have a continual ringing in the ear but the proven fact that there's not a cure for it yet. So how does one stop ringing in ear problems?

Thousands of people are living with this continuing noise in their heads that must be driving them mad. Natural tinnitus cures are becoming very common. They may consist of taking natural ingredients or traditional techniques but still work to this day.

The extraordinarily first thing you can do is to attempt to find the cause of your tinnitus. Is there something that occurred to you previously before it occurred? Have you worked with loud machinery? Has your hearing been suffering recently? If you can identify something categorical, it may help your quest to stop ringing in ear. Tinnitus can be being due to something else which might be cured. So try to find the cause for your tinnitus before spending hours searching for a cure.

When chatting about how to stop ringing in ear issues, there are many things you can try but none are sure to help. Unfortunately, you simply may have to try a few things before you find one that reduces the ringing in your ear. This might be medicine from the doctor or perhaps something else. Regardless of the cure you find, always try and share what does it for you with other sufferers. That way you can help others to dispose of tinnitus from their lives just like you have!

Are you frustrated that you find it difficult to do anything in your day to day life without relying on your glasses? Maybe you are fed up with always having to put in your contact lenses or the irritations are just becoming too much? If so, maybe you should consider having a laser eye operation to remove these problems for life.

Laser eye procedures are operations that uses refractive surgery to fix and recalibrate the eyes for sufferers of conditions such as astigmatism and to resolve nearsighted and farsighted patients. The simple overview of what actually happens in the surgery is that a thin flap is made in the cornea so the surgeon can operate underneath to remove some of the tissue using a specially design laser. The cornea is slightly but precisely reshaped to resolve your eye sight problems.

What Happens During The Laser Eye Procedure?

One of the benefits of the laser eye treatment is that the operation is only day surgery. The procedure can take as little as only five minutes. Some doctors may sedate you but this is only mild and you will be awake during the procedure.

Just because you can leave the clinic the same day, you will still need someone there with you to help you get home safely.

The preparation for the operation is also relatively quick. The surgeon will first put some drops in your eye to anesthetize them which means that the procedure is painless but some people may feel some discomfort.
Your eye is held open with a special device to prevent your eye lids closing and to allow for the surgeon to accurately slice the flap on your cornea. You will be positioned on your back down underneath the laser. Eyes are operated on one at a time.

The cut is then made using the laser or a microkeratome and amazingly you won't even notice it. A computer is then calibrated to match your eye sight problems and severity and while focusing on a specific object the laser will pulse light underneath the new flap. These pulses will reshape your corneal. Don't be put off by the weird odour that will occur from the removal of your eye's tissue.

The laser eye operation can be repeated on your next eye after a small break or some people prefer to come back the following week.

As you can see, laser eye procedures are not that complicated or involved and hopefully this article has given you the information you need to relieve some of the anxiety you might be feeling.

"Even in the glasses of thine eyes, I see thy grieved heart," said Shakespeare- a very protective observation of the human eye. This incredible organ of sight not only permits us to see but is most often a barometer of our emotions and our state of health, as well. It is believed that the famed Maimonides, world renowned physician to the Sultan prescribed medicines for his patients (clients) just by looking into their eyes.

The eye is a special sensory receiver. The eyes are the greatest clues to diseases elsewhere in the body, more so than any other organ. We use our eyes for driving car, watching television, reading books and newspapers, and watching movies. The eye is a fantastic, incredible piece of engineering- an instantly self-adjusting camera, with a built-in drainage and repair system, so it requires only reasonable care from its owner in order to provide good and constant lifetime service.

When reading, writing, or doing other close work, the source of light should be steady, non-glaring, and easy to read by. The light should come from behind. The entire room should be lighted, not just the working area. Indirect lighting is preferred to direct.

When doing extensive reading or writing the eyes should be rested for a minute or so from time to time by closing them or looking at faraway objects.

Sunglasses at night or in darkened places are ill-advised. Even in the daylight sunglasses should be worn in glared conditions, unless otherwise instructed by a physician. Watch television at night with lights on.

An eye that has caught cinder must not be rubbed; it should be allowed to tear and be washed out by a gentle stream of clear water. Boric acid or other eye preparations are dangerous when the eye is injured, so consult a physician before using them because self medication is not advisable.

All children should have their eye checked no later than the beginning of school, regardless of whether they have symptoms or not. Adults over 40 years of age should have a regular eye checkups.

Non-acute symptoms that must also be investigated are: aversion to reading, unusual fatigue after normal eye use, an unusual number of errors in writing, difficulties in concentrating, and headaches, particularly those that radiate to and from the eye.

In order to get bigger muscles successfully you need to realize three very important things about muscle building that majority of the new lifters fail to understand.

One of the first things that you should do in order to build muscle is to focus on a single thing. I see too many guys who want to achieve too many different things at the same time. I know that this may sound weird, but what I mean by that is that there are too many new lifters who want to "gain a lot of muscle" and "lose a lot of body fat" at the same time.

You must realize that these are completely opposite goals and in order to achieve the optimum results you can only focus on one of them. If you want to build muscle then you'll need to focus on a completely different eating and training plan than you would if you would want to lose body fat. For the next 6 to 12 weeks focus on bulking and forget cutting.

Second very important thing that so many new lifters fail to understand is that diet is the most important thing. It doesn't matter whether you'll go to the best gym in your area, it doesn't matter whether you'll do the right exercises or if you'll have the most expensive supplements in the world - you'll see very little or no muscle gains at all if you won't follow an eating plan which will supply your body with all of the required nutrients to make it grow.

Finally you've got to understand that the single most effective way to trigger the maximum release of anabolic hormones within your body is to use heavy pressing movements and focus only on compound exercises. I see so many newbies who stick to isolated machine exercises simply because they "don't like free weights", but it has been proven by time and experiences of hundreds of bodybuilders from all over the world that the best way to gain muscle for newbies is to focus on compound exercises like deadlifts, squats, bench press and so on.

A common request among skinny guys is wanting to know how to get pecs and build a bigger chest. After all, it's pretty embarrassing going to the beach or pool and feeling that inevitable dread as you take your shirt off, to reveal a skinny, bony chest.

We all know that the ladies like a muscular barreled chest - it shows a man is confident, strong and powerful, and in this article I'm going to show you 3 muscle building tips to show skinny guys how to get pecs and turn heads the next time you're at the beach.

How To Get Pecs #1 - Focus On Compound Exercises

The secret to building muscle is performing weight training workouts that are focused around a core of compound exercises. These exercises work multiple muscle groups at once, thereby stimulating more muscle fibre per exercise - and the more muscle you stimulate, the faster it grows.

When focusing on your chest muscles, perform exercises such as Bench Press, Push-ups, and Dumbbell Flyes. These exercises are great for building your chest, but also work your shoulders and back for better overall development. The push-ups should be performed with feet on the floor and also elevated on an exercise ball to mix it up a little and build better quality muscle.

How To Get Pecs #2 - Use Free Weights Rather Than Machines

A common mistake many skinny guys make when they step into the gym is an over-reliance on the weight machines and little attention paid to the free weights. My big gripe with machines is they typically only work your muscles through one axis and thereby limit your development.

You will get much bigger and stronger pectoral muscles by using free weights (dumbbells and barbells) since they force you to use stabilizing muscles to hold the weight throughout the exercise.

How To Get Pecs #3 - Change Up Your Workout To See Better Overall Development

Another reason why many skinny guys fail in their quest of how to get pecs is due to the fact that their workout is stale.

To see consistent muscle gains you need to be changing up your routine on a regular basis so that your muscles never "get used to" the training. This forces your body to constantly adapt, and with adaptation comes growth.

In terms of a chest workout, I would recommend that you change up your exercises to reflect the different parts of your pectoral muscles.

For example:

  • Inclining the bench on the Bench Press will help to develop the upper chest and shoulders; declining it will develop the lower chest
  • Changing hand grips from wide to close can work the inner chest more than the outer chest.
  • Performing your exercises on an exercise ball will cause you to work on your balance and help to define more of the minor muscles that make up the pecs.

This will mean better-looking chest muscles and faster and consistent muscle growth.

Healthy way of losing weight is an attempt to reduce the excess body fat. The aim of a person should be to lose weight in a positive manner rather than abruptly losing weight.

There is also holistic approach to each and every aspect of losing fat and this includes diet that is proper, nutrition and proper exercise. One should develop a motivation to lose the excess body weight and he has to understand the basic principles of the ways to lose weight. This includes the principles in movements, physiology, healthy nutrition and fat metabolism.

Tips on how to lose weight

One of the major tips on losing weight is aerobic exercise which can burn fat directly. However, anaerobic exercise can burn more calories after a training session. But, there is a drawback to this exercise. By doing such exercise, a person can get an increased appetite.

Therefore, it is good if people who have a large appetite opt for an aerobic exercise to lose weight. There are various weight loss facts which can reveal to a person on losing the abdominal fat, increasing his body metabolism in a natural way and how he can burn fat during his workout. The person can also get an idea on successful weight loss which can require him to be on constant guard on proper diet and such exercise programs.

The best time to lose weight

Losing weight is a big step for a person. This step can require him to be totally committed, put his whole effort and drive in order to lose weight. The person should keep this in mind that he should choose the best time which can suit himself and this is because, he will be going through the diet process himself and he has to face any changes or plans which he makes.

The person can spend a week or so and prepare some positive changes that he would like to adopt. He can try to visualize in his head what it can be like during the change in his body and health, how much it can affect him, his work, life, partner and his children.

Adaptable change:

This way, the person can live in the moment of how life can itself be after he adapts to the positive way of losing excess weight. He has to learn to accept these changes too.

The person can program his mind which can accept the dietary changes and also increase the activities for few months before he actually sees the difference. One can make plans on how to lose weight by preparing the foods, shopping for food which are of fewer calories and such tips that can provide him good taste to non oily or fried food. He can also plan for a change in his diet, and eat healthy and nutritious food.

Such food can keep his metabolism high and give him more nutrients for greater and healthier way of feeling good and active. Thus, he can plan activity routine and also ask his family and friends to join in. For instance, he can opt for a new sports activity in such hobbies which can keep him in his feet.

In order to lose fat or build muscle, you will need a good structured nutrition plan.

Most experts in the field of fitness agree that the daily food intake of a person has a greater impact on their fitness goals than an exercise program. Proper nutrition makes up for around 75% of the end result of your fat-loss or muscle-building program.

By focusing on the top foods that burn fat fast, this article provides an easy way for structuring a good eating plan.

The twelve top foods that burn fat fast are mentioned in this article; these will be a important role of your eating plan.

1) Lean red meats are one of the foods that burn fat the fastest.

Lean read meat have a very high quality protein that will build lean muscle mass that helps burn fat. Lean red meats like sirloin also contain large amounts of zinc, B vitamins and creatine - all of which will help you increase muscle growth and recovery between workout sessions.

2) One of the twelve foods that burn fat fast are skinless turkey or chicken breasts.

Such cuts of meat contain almost no fat or preservatives, but have a great amount of protein that will help increase your muscle growth and fat loss. The skin on such products contains most of the fat, so stay away from it whenever possible.

3) Any kind of fish or seafood will be good choice for your program, as they have a lot of omega 3 fatty acids, which are extremely healthy.

With almost no saturated fat, fish is another important source of protein that is necessary for increasing muscle growth and fat loss.

4) Totally fat-free, egg whites are definitely one of the foods that burn fat fast.

Egg whites are a source of the highest quality whole-food protein available; they can be eaten at any time of the day.

5) Having eight grams of protein per cup, skim milk is almost fat-free.

Research has also shown that the calcium content of low-fat dairy products has direct fat burning cababilities. Skim milk contains a kind of protein called casein that is digested very slowly; this helps in keeping you feeling full for a longer period of time.

6) One of the foods that burn fat fast is low-fat cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese has all the vitamins and minerals that are in skim milk, and it has up to 15 grams of protein per half cup. Another excellent source of casein, the protein in low-fat cottage cheese is absorbed slowly, keeping you feeling full for longer period of time.

7) Although some people think whey protein as a supplement, it is one of the foods that burn fat fast because it comes from 100% natural sources.

Since whey contains the highest quality protein, it is good for boosting muscle growth and increasing fat loss. Ideally, whey should be used just after a workout session since it is absorbed rapidly.

8) Green fibrous vegetables are one of the best foods that burn fat fast.

Since they are low in calories and high in bulk, green fibrous vegetables are excellent when you want to eat a large amount without taking in too many calories. Broccoli, lettuce, green beans, celery, and cauliflower are some of the best green fibrous vegetables. Consuming these green veggies at a most of your meals will ensure that you get the best possible fat burning results.

9) Every fat burning diet should include one of the healthiest carbohydrates that you can have is brown rice.

Brown rice is higher in fiber, containing valuable nutrients and is absorbed slowly in the bloodstream, making it one of the best foods that burn fat fast.

10) Oatmeal is also one of the best foods that can burn fat fast and should be a important part in your fat loss nutrition plan.

Oatmeal provides a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats; moreover, it lessens the risk of colon cancer and reduces bad cholesterol levels.

11) Although largge amounts of fruit are not recommended on a fat burning diet, 1-3 pieces a day of natural, fresh fruit is a great way to have something sweet and healthy into your nutrition plan without excessive unwanted calories or harmful, refined sugars.

12) It may come as a surprise to many individuals, but one of the very best foods that burn fat fast is the avocado. While avocado is high in fat, most of it is unsaturated and extremely healthy. Avocado is an excellent source of potassium, B vitamins, vitamin E, and vitamin K, so increasing small amounts to your fat burning diet will have positive results.

Weight loss has become the latest trend and the people who frequent the gym has increased meteorically. Being slim and trim is the new style statement and people are trying out a lot of new methods to achieve that perfect figure.

The lifestyles of people have changed considerably and more and more people have started consuming junk foods and this deprives them of the essential nutrients. This eventually results in obesity and diseases that comes with it. Staying fit helps in being more productive and also look better. It is also useful as it will help in improving your health.

A lot of techniques like gym, yoga, diet plans, sports and many techniques have been adopted by people to loose weight. Loosing weight is a long process and it requires you to be committed and disciplined. The most common and effective weight loss programs are mentioned below.

Exercise and diet control

Exercise is very effective to loose weight and help in burning the extra calories. A person should workout atleast for thirty minutes everyday. Simple exercises like walking or jogging is useful in burning calories.

It also helps the body to stay flexible and active. Controlling the diet is also very important as the major cause of weight gain is due to uncontrolled consumption of food. A person should learn to control his eating habits and should eat healthy food rather than junk food.

It might be a difficult process but you can start slowly and make your daily diet completely nutritional. Adding fruits and vegetables is very useful for controlling weight and also staying fit.

Consume more water:

A person should consume at least eight glasses of water. It might seem as a huge quantity but that is what is suggested by the experts and scientists. A person should consume water during the course of the day and not at once. A person can even substitute water in place of sodas and other beverages that you may have during meals. It is very useful as water will help in proper digestion of food. Staying hydrates will also help in preventing the habit of overeating.

Avoid skipping meals

It is a myth that skipping meals will help you to loose weight. Practicing this will do you more harm than good. Skipping meals would put the body into starvation mode and this will cause the body to depend on the fat in the body. This will initiate some chemical reactions in the body and it forces the body to overeat. A person will consume more calories by skipping the meals than loosing them. It is important that people don't skip food instead you should control the diet effectively.

Portion control

Portion control is an effective way of weight management. A person should be aware of what he is eating and should make a portion size for food consumption. Always eat in a moderate manner and not over eat. People should learn to visualize healthy serving that will help in making your plate into sensible portions.

These tips can help you to efficiently manage your weight. The important thing is that a person should think of staying fit and healthy rather than thinning down.

Body fat percentage is total body fat expressed as a percentage of total body weight. Direct attempts to determine body fat percent are difficult and often expensive. The presence of obesity must be evaluated in the context of the risk factors such as medical conditions that could influence the risk of complications.

The sure fact is at the origin of the obesity is the malfunction of one or more of the three glands from the human body: the thyroid gland, the hypophysis gland and the adrenal gland. Most of the people think that the fat persons are lazy or they don't do enough exercise. This is a wrong vision. The obesity is a disorder, and, unfortunately, one who make suffer the third part of the population, according to the statistics.

Of course that we can controll our body weight by eating right food, by eating at regulate hours, by not eating in excess, by making any kind of sport, but there are cases which can not be controlled by regular methods. Usually, the people in this situation are looking the salvation in weight loss methods.

There is a substantial market for products which promise to make weight loss easier, quicker, cheaper,
more reliable, or less painful. These include books, CDs, cremes, lotions, pills, rings and earrings, body wraps, body belts and other materials, not to mention fitness centers, personal coaches, weight loss groups, and food products and supplements.

Some weight loss diets are good for one cathegory of users, and some not. The obesity as disorder could have a large variety of causes, and the recipe should be given according to the diagnostic. Therefore you may not say that some particular method to lose weight is wrong if it didn't worked for you. It could work very well for other persons with a different cause for their extra weight.

Of course that there are aand a lot of scams on the market, but, as in every branch, they don't last long. Anyway, as a general idea, we should take care of our body by considering what do we eat, when do we eat, how do we eat and how much do we eat.

And, of course, the physical exercises must not be forgeted. If you here that you may loose weight by making fitness, aerobic, bodybuilding, jogging, swimming, believe it all. Any kind of sport, even walking or climbing stairs, is welcomed for the health of our body.

How hard is it when you start a weight loss program and you are starting to see really great results - when all of a sudden you receive an invite out to a restaurant where you know that most of the food is rich and probably isn't going to do your diet any good? I have a lot of personal experience with restaurants and weight loss because I really enjoy dining out on a regular basis. Because of this reason I have been able to manage my own weight loss and still maintain my great pleasure of eating out.

I know when I first began my weight loss several years ago I used to worry about the meal choices I would make when I would go out for dinner, or lunch. Mostly because I knew most of the food on offer was high in fat, salt and additives. Not to mention the heavy dressings and oversized portions. I pretty much figured that I would be almost impossible to lose any weight while still dining out and that I would be stuck having to choose unhealthy meals.

It wasn't until I started to really educate myself on the nutritional value of food that I was able to come up with the solution - 10 of them infact. I got this information from a respected weight loss expert and fitness trainer - and it helped me enormously when I dined out - especially so because I would dine out on average 3 - 4 times per week.

Here is where you too are now going to discover these 10 secrets to eating at restaurants and weight loss so you can continue on your weight loss journey

1. Choose vegetables every time over fries, wegdes or chips. Vegetables are very low in calories and loaded with fibre and good antioxidants

2. Food such as chicken, turkey or fish are the best meal choices to make because they are high in protein and have very little fat

3. Enquire about the types of dressings the dishes come with - are any low fat? Always choose low fat or no dressing where possible

4. Steamed, grilled or baked meals should always be chosen over fried - once again you would be consuming less calories

5. Ask for small serves, don't upsize for any reason. Upsizing can sometimes double or even triple your calorie intake, more for you to burn off at the gym

6. Try to lmit your alcohol intake as alcohol is quite high in calories

7. Drink water with your meals as it will fill you up quicker

8. Desserts can be taken, however always choose where possible dishes that have fresh fruit

9. White bread intake should be kept a minimum, go for grained bread rolls etc where possible

10. When you are full - stop eating. Usually when we are eating a good meal we ignore the stomach when it tells us it's full - only eat till you are satisfied and no more.

These are just 10 secrets to restaurants and weight loss- there are many more out there that will also have you choosing the best meal choices so you can go out socialising for dinners and not feel guilty. It's a simple matter of educating yourself on nutrition - and once you have this covered you will be one the tens of thousands of people who are enjoying the dining out experience and still managing to lose weight.

This article is only a taste of the types of meal choices to look out for when dining out - nutritional education is just on of the key factors in any weight loss effort. Your long term goal should be geared more towards permanent weight loss and body fat loss.

Permanent weight loss is not just about choosing the correct meal choices when eating out - there is so much more involved. Alot of the time people don't realize this on there weight loss journey's and only end up with short term weight loss. This is something that must be avoided to as to not end up on the weight loss merry go round.

Many people often in daily life think that acne is something that is bad at either. while acne does not really distress anything else but the physical appearance of a person that to some this may affect them very badly. There are also many other unlike ways to get rid of acne, one may attempt different acne treatment products for this purpose. since acne affects all age group, there are also those type products made for many different age groups to help for getting rid of acne.

The another type of acne treatment is using natural remedies. This is getting further and more popular over the past few years and numerous are using it. This is for the reason that of two main reasons; it is cheaper and it does not prompt side effects. Some consider that if they do not give side effects it will get longer for them to get rid of the acne. That is not true since natural acne treatment products, such as Green tea extract and Licorice Root Extract, still get rid of the acne prior to a week but most of the time within a few days. They cause no side effect and these natural remedies have been used for sometimes thousands of years and most of these remedies are being used to cure other medical things.

Acne-n-Pimple Cream for Acne Treatment

100% Pure Herbal Ayurvedic formulation. Very effective in controlling the acne and pimples problem and preventing upcoming breakouts. Keeps the skin soft. Contains Silk Cotton Tree which has better astringent and cooling property, Five Leaved Chaste Tree that reduces enough the skin inflammation and Aloe Vera that heals and softens the skin.

This is from the renowned Himalaya Herbals brand being so endorsed by over 250,000 doctors worldwide and used by those customers in over 60 countries. The formulation is hypoallergenic and all natural. No other harmful chemicals and no animal testing were used here . For external use only.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and it is required daily by our body. Lemon, orange etc are the best sources of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps your skin glow and look beautiful and it is not just due to the creams and lotions you apply.

Common adolescent acne clears up with products found in drug stores which control and dry oil secretions. On the other hand, cystic acne is an acute form of this condition that can cause serious problems and scaring of the face. Dermatologists treat this condition with special cleansing products and antibiotics. The majority of these products, prescription or over-the counter contain alcohol and/or witch hazel that sting the skin and sometimes dry it to the point of redness and pain.

Following are the variety of homemade beauty recipes:

1. Use witch hazel as an astringent instead of pricey products. It also cleans makeup from skin without drying it.

2. Make a mixture of crushed fennel seeds [for oily skin] and apricot kernel oil [for dry skin] to cleanse your skin.

3. Cucumber juice patted on face and left to dry will deminish the appearance of wrinkles.

4. To avoid black color of your lips and get soft and rosy lips you should apply lemon juice or coriander leaf juice on your lips.

5. Lemons are a classic home beauty ingredient, and are used to cleanse and freshen the skin and hair. Use lemon slices to soften rough skin spots such as elbows and heels. Lemon slices also help deodorize. Add a few teaspoons of lemon juice in your bath and you will feel fresh the whole day. Lemon juice can be added to your favorite cleanser or shampoo to refresh and tone your scalp, as well as prevent dandruff.

These are best to purchase organic as berries are high in pesticide residuals. You could buy frozen organic blueberries; they are fair in price and can keep for a long time. Wait 2 hours or more before eating anything else for the day. This is optional, but if you desire instant smoother, radiant, and softer skin, this is a very beneficial trick to try: At night, before going to bed, slather honey on your facial and neck skin. Wait about 25 minutes before washing it off with cool water.

Not all masks are created equal. Different facial masks serve different purposes. A full cleanse mask is great for oily skin or combination skin. It will draw not only pollutants but also oil to the surface and these will be removed when you wash your mask off. It will unclog your pores and remove dead skin cells, discouraging the development of blackheads. A cleansing makes will do a great job of tightening your pores and improving the texture of your skin.

Some of the best natural acne treatment and skin care products are well-documented online. But don't take the word of those selling the products. Instead go to reviews sites and see what the people actually using various products have to say about them. If you are considering a moderately priced to expensive natural acne treatment system, make sure it comes with a satisfaction

Acne is the term used to describe plugged pores of the skin. It can affect people of all ages, races and genders. Most people struggle with acnes during some period of the life usually teenage years. Acne is the pimples (white heads and blackheads) and even deeper lumps that are found on the face, neck, chest, back, and upper arms. Acne is not a life threatening condition but is can be devastating to the patient. It can lead to scarring and disfiguring with even the mildest cases. There are many treatment options for those who suffer from acne. The treatment used depends on the type and severity of the acne.

For mild acne the treatment of whiteheads, blackheads and minor pimples usually consists of a cleansing treatment. You will need to cleanse the entire effected area with a mild soap. Once you have cleaned with a mild soap like Neutrogena or dove you will want to apply an over the counter benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These products can be found over the counter and mild acne should be able to be successfully treated without prescription medicine. Benzyl peroxide product such as Benxi, Benzac or even Clearasil work by killing the bacteria that causes the acne. This treatment can take one to two months to work. It will not create a natural resistance to the bacteria. Salicylic acid helps prevent the future clogging of pores and also helps breakdown whiteheads and blackheads. This medicine is found in many over the counter products such as Clearasil and Stri-Dex.

More serious acne breakouts may require a physicians treatment. The deeper acne like cysts and nodules can leave scarring. You doctor may suggest the use of prescription treatments to quickly resolve the acne and prevent scarring. If you have moderate to severe acne you doctor may put you on a variety of medications and treatments.

Of course a daily cleanser will still need to be used in addition to applying benzyl peroxide. You may also be given prescription antibiotic gels, creams or lotions. In severe cases a prescription oral antibiotic maybe used. Pimples or acne should never be drained or popped unless by a health care professional. Large pimples may need to be drained by a health care professional to help prevent scarring and to clear up the infection.

Curing acne takes time and each individuals treatment will be different. What works for your friends may not work for your skin. You will need to allow time for the skin to heal and in some case acne maybe come worse before getting better. There are several products offered over the counter that are sworn by celebrities and other people. Products like Proactiv maybe a good solution for your acne problem. You can also consider taking low dose birth control pills to help reduce acne flare ups that revolve around a women's menstruation. To prevent scarring try to never scratch or pop a pimple. Squeezing a pimple not only bruises the surrounding tissue but can also push the infection deeper into the tissue.

The best way to treat acne is to find what works for your skin type and acne and stick with it. A daily routine should be put in place to help resolve and control future acne outbreaks. If scarring from acne has already occurred there are also treatments that can help prevent future scarring as well as remove scars that are already in place. You should see a dermatologist to discuss your options.

Acne is inflammation of tissue that damages the skin cells leaving behind pimples. The intensity of Acne increases when the cells that exist on sebum canals lining damage.

Some of the best botanical herbs to clear acne are as follows:

Calendula: Calendula also known as pot marigold is grown in home gardens and nurseries. The flower blends well to give creams and lotions used to clear up acne problems.

Green Tea: The green tea leaf has many health benefits including prevention and treatment of acne. It is known to help with acne problems noticeably.

Tea Tree Oil: Widely found in Australian continent is also a vital herb to treat acne. You can topically apply this oil on your skin to clear acne. Tea Tree oil has active ingredients that prevent the spreading of bacteria causing acne.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera stimulates growth of new skin cells and helps shed the dead skin cells at the same time. The skin is relieved from inflammation and irritation caused by acne.

In fact, there are many vitamin supplements available to treat acne. Vitamin A and B are the most common ingredients used in the preparation of creams used for topical treatment of Acne. The lotions and creams having these vitamins are effective in controlling and reduction of inflammation on skin.

Zinc: It is a perfect mineral to apply on acne. Even zinc tablets are available to get rid of acnes. Zinc helps in opening of skin pores that cause acne. Thus, zinc tablets not only clear acne, but also help in prevention of acne.

Vitamin C: It has a soothing effect on inflammation and reduces acne considerably.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E plays an important role in clearing Acne. It helps the body in absorption of the vitamins that are needed to treat and clear acne.